Tuesday, January 26, 2021

FPE Automation Wins Prestigious PHD Distributor of the Year Award

>Today, FPE Automation had the unexpected honor of accepting the 2020 Distributor of the Year award from PHD on behalf of all of our employees.  

The above video has sound - make sure you have your volume turned up! 

2020 was a strange, and at times challenging year. However, as FPE Automation CEO David Bardos put it, "A smooth sea never made for a skillful sailor". Smarter automation played a key role in companies all across the Midwest being able to withstand the many pressures of the pandemic. Both FPE Automation and PHD played a key role in allowing companies to adapt during tough times. 

During the online meeting, PHD shared with the large audience of virtual attendees that competition had been high for their top award. 

In the end, it's about partnerships. The ones we have with PHD, and also the ones we have with you, our valued clients. On behalf of FPE Automation, we'd like to say thanks to everyone who helped us to get to this point. 

Here's to 2021, and to hopefully seeing all of you in person again soon.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Research Confirms: Safe Space Rover UV Mobile Disinfection Robot Kills Covid

Safe Space Tech Lamps Kill Covid - Research Confirms

CDC, EPA and other official research reports that products from Safe Space Technologies provide "rapid and efficient inactivation of surface dried SARS-CoV-2 by UV-C 2 irradiation". 

The Rover/UV mobile disinfection robot combines a disinfecting light source with an autonomous mobile robot from Mobile Industrial Robots A/S (MiR).

More effective. Proven. Let's battle this thing together. At FPE Automation, we're putting the products we understand to work to keep people well. For more information, contact us. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

FPE Automation's Steve Moore Wins PHD Top Performer Award for Custom Medical Solution

 FPE Automation would like to congratulate Steve Moore for another Top Performer accolade from PHD Inc.

Steve was asked to help set up pick and place operations at a manufacturer of products for the medical industry. Accuracy was key. The challenge? A gripper that was exactly the right size and material didn't exist. The ultimate solution would be a custom one. PHD Unique Solutions, robotics and end effectors were used. When we make the important products and equipment we use safer, more accurate and better, our family, friends and the community around us all benefit. It's solutions like these that make a difference. Steve, congratulations!

Friday, January 8, 2021

FPE Automation's Scott Massie Wins MAC Valves Distributor of the Month Award.


This story begins with an engineer, at food processing plant, in December 2020, with full COVID restrictions in place. This individual knew the benefits of Mac Valves' Pulse Valves from work he did at another company. With the help of MAC's Anthony Bonadio and Scott Massie, FPE Automation's multi-award-winning MAC Valves BOSS Specialist, he was able to meet with them virtually to do an assessment that resulted in the plant switching out a number of valves to MAC Pulse Valves. His goal? To blend ingredients more efficiently. The difference? Substantial. So much that it resulted in Scott Massie winning the MAC Distributor of the Month award for a very successful upgrade. 

It's technology that improves things in remarkable ways. While all of us at FPE are truly proud of Scott's accomplishments, the real story here is how PV can help you to achieve better plant performance. Interested in an assessment? Drop us a line. At FPE Automation, we improve things. It's what we do. 

Thursday, January 7, 2021

FPE Automation Joins IMEC for Adopt New Tech Webinar on Wednesday January 13.

IMEC has partnered with FPE for a special robot bin picking webinar. 

Join FPE's Universal Robots expert Justin Tanaka for this special event on Wednesday, January 13, 2021 at 11:30 am CST.